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Our New Year's holiday from Saturday, December 28, 2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to
from Saturday, December 28, 2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 10 to Sunday, August 18
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 10 to August 18.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family Eco holidays from Friday, July 19 to Monday, July 22
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer
and enhancing consciousness about energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Spring Holiday Notice] From April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday), 2024
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed for the spring holiday
from April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday), 2024.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Spring Holiday Period: From April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday), 2024
Our New Year's holiday from Friday, December 29 to Thursday, January 4
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from Friday, December 29 to Thursday, January 4.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Friday, August 11 to Sunday, August 20
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 11 to August 20.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family Eco holidays from Friday, July 21 to Monday, July 24
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer
and enhancing consciousness about energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Saturday, April 29 to Sunday, May 7
We would like to inform you that we would be having National Holidays
from Saturday, April 29 to Sunday, May 7.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Our New Year's holiday from Thursday, December 29 to Wednesday, January 4
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from Thursday, December 29 to Wednesday, January 4.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 13 to Sunday, August 21
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 13 to August 21.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family Eco holidays from Friday, July 22 to Monday, July 25
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer
and enhancing consciousness about energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Friday, April 29 to Thursday, May 5
We would like to inform you that we would be having national holidays
from Friday, April 29 to Thursday, May 5.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Our New Year's holiday from Wednesday, December 29 to Tuesday, January 4
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from Wednesday, December 29 to Tuesday, January 4.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 7 to Sunday, August 15
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 7 to August 15.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family Eco holidays from Thursday, July 22 to Tuesday, July 27
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer
and enhancing consciousness about energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Thursday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 5
We would like to inform you that we would be having national holidays
from Thursday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 5.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Our New Year's holiday from Saturday, December 26 to Monday, January 4
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from Saturday, December 26 to Monday, January 4.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 8 to Sunday, August 16
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 8 to August 16.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Wednesday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 6
We would like to inform you that we would be having national holidays
from Wednesday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 6.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Winter holidays from Saturday, December 28 to Sunday, January 5
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from Saturday, December 28 to Sunday, January 5.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 10 to Sunday, August 18
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed due to from August 10 to August 18.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family Eco holidays from Friday, July 26 to Monday, July 29
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer
and enhancing consciousness about energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Saturday, April 27 to Monday, May 6
We would like to inform you that we would be having National Public Holiday
from Saturday, April 27 to Monday, May 6.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Winter holidays from Saturday, December 29 to Sunday, January 6
Due to winter holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed
from Saturday, December 29 to Sunday, January 6.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 11 to Sunday, August 19
Due to summer holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed
from Saturday, August 11 to Sunday, August 19.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Family · Eco holidays from Friday, July 20 to Monday, July 23
Azbil TA Co., Ltd.
For the purpose of contributing to the reduction of electricity use in the summer and enhancing
consciousness about energy saving and energy saving with family.
We will carry out holiday increase in summer and will be closed on the following schedule.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, May 6
We would like to inform you that we would be having National Public Holiday
from Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, May 6.
With the apologies for any inconvenience.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Winter holidays from Saturday, December 30 to Thursday, January 4
Due to winter holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from Saturday, December 30 to Thursday, January 4.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 12 to Sunday, August 20
Due to summer holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from Saturday, August 12 to Sunday, August 20.
Thank you for your patience.
Extended holidays to save electricity from Friday, July 21 to Monday, July 24
To help cut the consumption of electricity this summer, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will have extra days off.
Our call center will also be unavailable on those days.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From 29th April, 2017 to 7th May, 2017
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. : We would like to inform you that we would be having National Public Holiday from
29th April, 2017 to 7th May, 2017.
With the apologies for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding.
Winter holidays from December 29 to January 4
Due to winter holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from December 29 to January 4.
Thank you for your patience.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 13 to Sunday, August 21
Due to summer holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from Saturday, August 13 to Sunday, August 21.
Thank you for your patience.
Extended holidays to save electricity from Friday, July 22 to Monday, July 25
To help cut the consumption of electricity this summer, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will have extra days off.
Our call center will also be unavailable on those days.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
[Our Holiday Notice] From 30th April, 2016 to 5th May, 2016
Azbil TA Co., Ltd. : We would like to inform you that we would be having National Public Holiday from
30th April, 2016 to 5th May, 2016.
With the apologies for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding.
Winter holidays from December 29 to January 4
Due to winter holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from December 29 to January 4.
Thank you for your patience.
Summer holidays from Saturday, August 8 to Sunday, August 16
Due to summer holidays, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will be closed from Saturday, August 8 to Sunday, August 16. Thank you for your patience.
Extended holidays to save electricity from Friday, July 24 to Monday, July 27
To help cut the consumption of electricity this summer, Azbil TA Co., Ltd. will have extra days off.
Our call center will also be unavailable on those days.
We apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your understanding.
Exhibition at WORLD OF INDUSTRY’13 WIN Metal Working
Exhibition at WORLD OF INDUSTRY’13 WIN Metal Working

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